My life

Homelessness in Milwaukee, Part 5

We stopped at a park and ride along the freeway, where we met several friends. A bit different as they live in their cars. One couple had their cats out of their car on leashes. Even though they live in their vehicles they still have the same basic needs! We could offer them dinner, blankets, socks, underwear, whatever we had in the truck that they needed.

Park n ride

So here is their dilemma, the sheriff department patrols the park and ride, and tells them that they have to leave, they can’t sleep there. Shelly informed them that they can stay unless they get a 5 day eviction notice. Who knew? One couple was very new to being homeless, but they knew that the Street Angels would be there and what time. They were given information about the upcoming outreach where they could learn about emergency housing and other very important programs that they could benefit from.

Next we stopped at a place where a grandma was known to stay. We looked for her, knowing she stayed up under the ledge of the bridge. We didn’t find her but her blankets were there. As we walked around we came upon a young woman, all covered up in blankets, no tent! We offered her dinner which she ate immediately, I worried about her, there all alone but other tents not to far away. She had extra prayers said for her last night.

Grandma’s ledge with blankets

A word about addiction and the homeless community. Many but NOT most are addicted to alcohol or drugs. We saw it, we could smell it, and at some points it was overwhelming. Some fall into homelessness not being addicted, but after being out there long enough they become addicted, some get the help that the community offers, but most of those facilities are full. It’s a double edge sword.

From my perspective:

I found Street Angels on Facebook and was in awe of what they do 3 nights a week. I saw their wish list of items needed for their friends and I asked my friends to help. One of my “Angels” Jackie dropped off blankets right away, then others followed. I dropped them off at their facility last week and asked to meet the Angel in charge. I met Eva. I asked her if they needed help and she signed me up for 10/14/18. I spent the week excited and a bit nervous. As the day approached all my nervousness went away. Of course I prayed about it and knew that God always places me where he needs me, and he had my back! I only felt nervous once and it was about falling and spiders more than about the situation! Being the klutz that I am, who can trip while walking on carpet, some of the terrain was sketchy. And I imagined ticks and spiders, my worst fear! 🚫🕷🕸

Let’s talk about the truck that Street Angels use.

Let’s just say that they need a newer one. This one doesn’t have air conditioning, not that is needed now, but it’s in poor shape. It’s so bumpy that it’s uncomfortable, and if you have to pee, you’re in trouble. 😦 It breaks down while out trying to feed and provide basic needs to our cities most unfortunate. In the winter they offer warming stations, they have to transport those that will go!

Street Angels won the Milwaukee Unsung Hero Award, and then they took the big one, the Positively Milwaukee Award! That came with a $5,000 gift from Heiser Ford. My prayer and wish for them is that they raise the money needed or better yet have a truck donated so they can continue this mission for many years, or at least until their services are no longer needed! 🙏

If you, or anyone you know can help with this please contact Street Angels ASAP!

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me. It’s not the end, just the beginning! 🙏✝️

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